The Mobile Suit Gundam GQuuuuuuX -Beginning-anime film debuted at #1 in the Japanese box office in its opening weekend. It sold 352,500 tickets and earned 598,832,300 yen (about US$3.83 million ...
This colorful anime game sets you down in Teyvat ... the Throat of the World as its frosted mountain peaks pierce the sky or simply answering the enigmatic chime of the Nirnroot plant by a ...
Inuyasha has been beloved as an icon of the shounen anime and manga genres, tastefully capturing a sense of colorful adventure and supernatural intrigue. The period-piece approach with the feudal ...
Netflix’s continued investment in anime has yielded fruit over the past couple of years. The streaming service has amassed a selection of some of not only the most popular and iconic anime ...
Dragon Ball: Sparking! ZERO is the latest entry in the Budokai Tenkaichi series, throwing players into a colorful anime world and letting you blast your way through recognizable villains and ...