In a small village near Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province, an extraordinary tradition unfolds every year—100 million pairs of lanterns are crafted, fueling an industry valued at an astonishing 2 billion yu ...
赏灯 、游园、吃上海特色小吃、在市中心国际时尚街区买到退税好物!首个非遗春节马上就要到了,来沪过中国年成海外游客选择。只有上海local们才知道的最地道的上海年味在哪里?邀请你一起打卡“海派年味”。
The Spring Festival falls on Jan. 29 this year. A traditional Chinese lantern exhibition is lighting up the night of Rome. It is also where local people can have a glimpse of the Chinese culture and ...