What we do know is that there is nothing of the stodgy, the pursed-lip do-gooder, the sanctimonious health fanatic in the ...
Either my stealing was a sin—or it wasn’t.
John O'Malley, a distinguished scholar of the Renaissance and Reformation, has decisively challenged this interpretation, emphasizing the variety, vitality, and complexity of Catholicism in the early ...
If “medieval dictatorship” sums up their ignorance about medieval history, dictatorship, and Catholicism, then the analogy to an Arab Spring sums up their fundamental intentions. Catholics and ...
Born Again…Mainly with people commenting on certain parts of who Matt Murdock is and not really having “accuracy” in their ...
Oscars, but it won’t need to win any of them to be a massive success in the eyes of its enthusiastic online fanbase.The community of passionate supporters has been posting about the movie since it was ...
In this spiritual labyrinth, Catholicism occupies a special place because it is at the centre of a reconsideration of the American project and the discovery of the theological and religious ...
Regarding John J. Miller’s review of “For I Have Sinned” (Books, March 1), I date my lapse from Catholicism to a priest’s too-forgiving reaction to a confession I made at age 14.
The Elizabethan Religious Settlement of 1559 was meant to provide religious stability to Wales and England, and to a considerable extent it did so in the 1560s. Elizabeth had been shocked by the ...