近日,重医附属儿童医院邱翔教授作为唯一通讯作者,在国际知名学术期刊《Nature Communications》上发表题为《Interplay between CTCF-binding and CTCF-lacking regulatory ...
Mammalian genomes are organized by multi-level folding, yet how this organization contributes to cell type-specific transcription remain unclear. We uncovered that the nuclear protein SATB1 ...
本文构建框架识别并优先排序 CTCF 结合位点(CBS)变异,为研究非编码变异提供思路。 一、引言 CCCTC 结合因子(CTCF)通过在数千个基因组位点结合其 DNA 序列基序发挥作用,这些 CTCF 结合位点(CBSs)能够通过调节基因组的三维(3D)组织来促进或抑制基因表达。
来自MSN16 天
3D genome structure guides sperm development, shedding light on fertility and developmental ...Another protein, CTCF, attaches to locations of super-enhancer DNA and pairs them up with genes that they will later turn on during sperm development. This sets up a new structure that cements the ...
1 天
一点资讯 on MSN两性战争:藏在DNA里的千年基因暗战人类繁衍看似温情脉脉,实则暗藏基因层面的血腥厮杀。当科学家发现孕妇子痫前期死亡病例中,男性胎儿占比高出10%时,一场持续1.8亿年的染色体战争浮出水面——这不仅是母体与胎儿的资源争夺,更是X与Y染色体的存亡博弈。 【胎盘暴动——父系基因的生化叛乱】 ...
Scientists at Northwestern Medicine have discovered that blocking a protein called GATA6 in mice with colon cancer slowed ...
They also show that urea-ChIP and standard ChIP yield similar profiles for CTCF. The data appear reproducible, judged by at least two replicates and triangulation. The SATB-1 KO cells provide a nice ...