近日,重医附属儿童医院邱翔教授作为唯一通讯作者,在国际知名学术期刊《Nature Communications》上发表题为《Interplay between CTCF-binding and CTCF-lacking regulatory ...
人类繁衍看似温情脉脉,实则暗藏基因层面的血腥厮杀。当科学家发现孕妇子痫前期死亡病例中,男性胎儿占比高出10%时,一场持续1.8亿年的染色体战争浮出水面——这不仅是母体与胎儿的资源争夺,更是X与Y染色体的存亡博弈。 【胎盘暴动——父系基因的生化叛乱】 ...
They also show that urea-ChIP and standard ChIP yield similar profiles for CTCF. The data appear reproducible, judged by at least two replicates and triangulation. The SATB-1 KO cells provide a nice ...
Chromatin is a flexibly joined chain of nucleosomes that exists inside the nucleus of eukaryotic cells and has been described as a 'bead on a string'. Chromatin organization strengthens DNA for ...