Singapore Airlines uses this aircraft to service the world’s longest commercial flight, covering over 18 hours of flight time ...
Abstract: Realization of nondestructive testing of weak conductive materials is a key research area of eddy current magneto-optical (ECMO) imaging, such as carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) ...
Abstract: The multi-modal noise during the collision of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composite plates and the potential influence of traditional data-driven methods on the mechanical ...
The ThinkPad brand has been around for over 30 years. But what makes a ThinkPad, a ThinkPad? Lenovo invited us to check out ...
This study presents a self-sensing composite bar that integrates damage assessment and monitoring, improving safety and ...
Larger, quieter rotorcraft offering is backed by H135 and Bluecopter programs, featuring several optimized elements and just ...
Third-generation design approved by U.S. aerospace manufacturers targets simplified operations for metal and composite ...
The Korea Carbon and Nano Industry Association and the World Federation of Overseas Korean Traders Associations (World-OKTA) ...
中新网山东新闻3月13日电 近日,由中建八局一公司承建的济南黄河体育中心专业足球场项目全面完成屋盖钢结构施工,“黄河明珠”成功戴上1.6万吨“钢铁巨冠”,标志着项目攻克国内体育场馆悬挑长度之最,正式进入索、膜结构及金属屋面施工阶段。