"For me, it is a wake-up call for our country and for the African continent as a whole. We must not let the crisis pass (in ...
A group of leading African researchers trying to develop effective vaccines against HIV is trying to figure out how to ...
A groundbreaking project to study potential HIV vaccines in several African countries has been derailed by an abrupt cut in ...
This immunogen is named after a study participant identified in a Caprisa research cohort was able to naturally develop bNAbs. Research on the CAP256 immunogen has been under way for 20 years ...
FOUR researchers from the University of KwaZulu-Natal were recognised by the South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC) for their outstanding contributions to health sciences. Professors ...
Professor Abdool Karim is Director of the Centre for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa (CAPRISA), Durban, and CAPRISA Professor of Global Health at Columbia University, New York. He is an ...
此前,有研究表明,HIV 病毒在感染人体后,会通过不断变异来逃避免疫系统的攻击。在混合感染的情况下,不同变体之间的相互作用更加复杂,这进一步增加了病毒逃避监测和攻击的能力。了解这些机制,有助于我们更好地理解 HIV 感染的复杂性,为开发更有效的治疗手段提供理论依据。
Heather Boerner is a healthcare and science journalist based in Pittsburgh. Her work has appeared in The Daily Beast, The Washington Post, The San Francisco Chronicle, and The Atlantic. Her book ...