近日,视源股份与海亮科技集团在广州签署战略合作协议。双方将推动信息技术与教育教学深度融合,通过硬件设备与数字资源的协同创新,共同构建智慧校园新型解决方案,助力教育公平与质量提升。 视源股份董事王毅然、首席产品官邓毅刚、未来教育集团 ...
2025年3月18日,AMD在北京举办了主题为“ADVANCING AI”的AI PC创新峰会,众多合作伙伴、媒体及意见领袖齐聚一堂,共同见证了AMD在中国AI PC生态系统中的强劲发展势头以及其产品性能与智能的新高度。 AMD董事会主席及... AI 存储厂商焱融科技宣布,其自主研发的 ...
These fixes and upgrades can make such a noticeable difference, you'll be amazed you didn't have to call a professional.
The Vietnamese government's newly-issued Decree No. 58/2025/ND-CP on renewable and new energy provides detailed guidance on a couple of the most pressing topics such as self-produced and self-consumed ...
Today’s Italian media reports claim that Artem Dovbyk and Mats Hummels could end up leaving Roma at the end of the season.
In Goma, families deprived of their homes and livelihoods often wander in search of refuge, not knowing what tomorrow will ...
The CBSE Board conducted the Class 10 Information Technology exam today for the academic year 2024-25. The exam took place in ...
La dernière version de ce discours est qu’il faudrait couper dans les dépenses sociales afin de se concentrer sur la seule priorité qui vaille : la course-poursuite avec Trump et Poutine sur les ...
运达股份1.69% 1.30%股吧 星网锐捷1.41% 1.60%股吧 甬金股份1.39% 3.85%股吧 湖南海利1.38% 1.45%股吧 亨通光电1.37% 0.12%股吧 海星股份1.30 ...