Former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh, along with 16 others, lost their lives while a dozen others were injured in a bomb blast in August 1995. Rajoana was arrested on January 27, 1996.
The Supreme Court on Monday directed the Centre to decide on death row convict Balwant Singh Rajoana, convicted in the 1995 assassination case of then Punjab chief minister Beant Singh.
Rajoana, a sympathiser of the Babbar Khalsa militant group, sought the commutation of his death sentence to life imprisonment in connection with his role in the assassination of Beant Singh.
convicted in the 1995 assassination case of then Punjab chief minister Beant Singh. "We are granting you time by way of a last chance. Either you take a decision or otherwise we will hear it on ...
Rajoana, convicted in the 1995 assassination case of former Punjab CM Beant Singh, is on death row for 15 years and in prison for 29 years The Tribune, now published from Chandigarh, started ...
Union Minister and grandson of former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh ... such as the support the Akali Dal extended to Bhai Balwant Singh Rajoana, whose actions were also viewed as religiously ...
Former Punjab Chief Minister Beant Singh, along with 16 others, lost their lives while a dozen others were injured in a bomb blast in August 1995. Rajoana was arrested on January 27, 1996.