El Foro de Financieros del Sur Global 2025 fortalecerá los intercambios y el aprendizaje mutuo, impulsará la prosperidad de ...
An artificial intelligence (AI) pediatrician is expected to enter more grassroots hospitals in China, as it has won widespread recognition since its debut at Beijing Children's Hospital in February.
China will continue to open up at a higher level, and welcomes multinational companies to expand investment in China to ...
La calle comercial de Wangfujing, en el distrito de Dongcheng, y el Complejo histórico y cultural de Moshikou, en su similar de Shijingshan, forman parte del cuarto grupo de atracciones turísticas de ...
BEIJING, March 22 (Xinhua) -- China will soon offer nationwide access to its cross-regional marriage registration service, following a recent revision of the regulations governing marriage ...
On March 4th, China's Two Sessions kicked off in Beijing. The events are closely intertwined with the whole-process people's democracy proposed by China and a significant element of China's success st ...
OSLO, March 22 (Xinhua) -- Chinese carrier Hainan Airlines on Saturday officially launched its direct flight route between Beijing and Oslo, further strengthening air connectivity between China and No ...
BEIJING, March 20 (Xinhua) -- China's policy to regulate cross-border data flows seeks to facilitate progress while ensuring data security, a move conducive to economic globalization, according to glo ...
The company hailed the dialogue mechanisms established between China and Germany, as well as the EU at large, on cross-border data flows. It also commended China's efforts to work on a guideline on ...
BEIJING, March 19 (Xinhua) — China plans to accelerate the training of professionals in integrated medical and elderly care to address rising demands amid an aging population.