3月14日晚间, 重庆啤酒 发布《涉及诉讼进展》,宣布与嘉威的合同纠纷败诉。重庆五中院作出一审判决:重庆啤酒于判决生效之日起十日内赔偿嘉威损失3.53亿元,同时驳回嘉威的其他诉讼请求,驳回重庆啤酒的反诉请求。
All the details on Enrique Olvera's pop-up, plus Din Tai Fung with an ocean view, a new-wave Korean tofu house, a Oaxacan gem's upgrade and more.
The Blitzboks will be among the first to play in the new Kai Tak Stadium when they compete in the Sevens rugby tournament ...