Baby bottle syndrome is a condition in which sweet liquids, such as milk, formula, juice or sweetened beverages, cause tooth ...
The amount of formula your baby needs depends on his age, weight and if you're also feeding him breastmilk or solids. Use our ...
Although many online posts say raw or unpasteurised milk is beneficial during pregnancy, experts strongly advise pregnant women not to drink it ... which can put the baby at risk.
I'll admit to being part of the Baby Boomer generation, albeit one of the younger members. If you're a Boomer, too, you probably recall that many of us grew up drinking milk at every meal.
China's health ministry on Friday ordered all its departments nationwide to immediately report every baby with kidney stones and difficulty urinating, symptoms of drinking the tainted milk formula.
Parents should be allowed to buy baby milk in supermarkets using loyalty points and vouchers, the competition regulator has said following a probe into the market. Restrictions on price promotions ...