The condition affects around 10% of the population and significantly impacts the quality of life of those who suffer from it.
New research suggests that eating more fruit and fiber or drinking more milk and coffee may also stave off the vexing and ...
Why do humans wear clothes? One reason is that changing outfits allows people to tailor their look in hopes of attracting or ...
Whispeara, a natural hearing supplement, is making waves as a holistic solution for auditory and cognitive health challenges.
Sounds you consciously perceive affect your brain differently than sounds you don't, a recent Yale study found.
New research uncovers how the brain processes learning by identifying the exact moment an animal learns a new skill.
Landmark Theatre audience’s reception as an indicator, it’s a safe bet that this entertaining show is not going off rotation ...
English was never formally designated as the national language until now — the United States never had an official language ...
The auditory system is the sensory system for hearing. It consists of the outer ear (the auricle and auditory canal), the middle ear (the tympanic membrane, malleus, incus and stapes), the inner ...
NEW YORK, NY –, co-founded by well-being expert Dr. Deepak Chopra and CEO Poonacha Machaiah, has partnered with ...
Course materials for the Auditory Computing module at UCL Computer Science ...