With 7:28 left in Wednesday night’s high-decibel, high-drama First Four game between Xavier and Texas, the Longhorns cheerleaders came onto the UD Arena court with their shimmering orange tops bearing ...
THE next Area Bishop of Wakefield in the diocese of Leeds is to be the Ven. Malcolm Chamberlain, Archdeacon of Sheffield and ...
In their glorious run into the NCAA Tournament, the lights suddenly and quite dramatically went out twice on the Saint Francis Red Flash and its shining young star from Dayton, Juan Cranford Jr.
The Mullingar Union of Parishes will soon welcome Archdeacon Ian Horner and his family as the fill the vacancy left following ...
A new Archdeacon of Ipswich has been appointed. The Church of England has announced that the Revd Canon Samantha ...
And from the opening tip of Friday night’s nationally-televised game against Ball State at Millett Hall, the RedHawks ...
Walled City Passion returns to Derry with the aim of retelling the Easter Passion Story in a fresh artistic way.
Director Judson Williams admits he's more of a fan of experimental theater than plays grounded and presented in realism, which gave him a little pause when asked to direct the ...
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Suffolk farm chaplain Graham Miles got to meet King Charles and talk to him about farming issues at a Buckingham Palace event on Monday.