月全食时,月球会呈现橘红色或铜红色,这就是人们所说的“血月”。 明天,新西兰全境就将出现罕见的 “血月”奇观。 新西兰Stardome天文学家Josh Aoraki表示,月球将在周五晚上8点到8点半之间达到全食。 Aoraki说,用肉眼就能看到这场天文奇观,但如果你有相机、望远镜或双筒望远镜,还是值得使用的。 Aoraki建议,要想看到月亮,可以向东方地平线望去,或者前往东海岸的海滩。 不过,天气 ...
Deepseek问世以后,越来越多的人开始担心自己会不会被AI替代。但真正清醒的突围者早已发现,与其恐惧被AI替代,不如让AI成为生产力杠杆。 在这场认知升级的竞赛中,选择工具比盲目努力更重要。经过三个月实测对比,我发现国内一款零门槛AI工具意外地展现出了"职场救生舱"的特质: ...
Aoraki/Mount Cook National Park is a rugged land of ice and rock, with 19 peaks over 3,000 metres including New Zealand's highest mountain, Aoraki/Mount Cook. Brochures Walking tracks in Aoraki/Mount ...
A rare blood moon will be seen across all of New Zealand on Friday. Stardome astronomer Josh Aoraki told RNZ a blood moon, or ...
奥克兰Stardome天文馆的天文学家Josh Aoraki向RNZ解释道,血月即月食,是月球运行至地球的阴影中时产生的现象。它也被称为"半影月食",发生时月表会呈现"红色影调"--也是"血月"名字的由来。
Inselberg is a technical outerwear brand founded by Northland’s Jarlath Anderson, who grew up climbing in New Zealand’s ...
The Canterbury Aoraki Conservation Board is the community’s voice in conservation management in the region. The board gives advice to DOC on local conservation matters and carries out important ...
When you build with Burbank, you build with a team who has over 30 years' experience in delivering quality homes for Australians. You also build with peace-of-mind, receiving a 30 year structural ...