Ankle replacement surgery, also known as total ankle arthroplasty (TAA), is a procedure designed to relieve pain and maintain motion and function in the ankle joint by replacing a damaged or ...
Sidney Health Center reached a significant milestone in orthopedic care as Dr. Jennifer Gravos-Bauer performed the facility's first total ankle replacement surgery on March 19, 2025. This ...
Opens in a new tab or window Share on LinkedIn. Opens in a new tab or window Ankle fusion and total joint replacement are the two main options for definitive treatment of advanced arthritis.
fusion appeared to be a better option than total ankle replacement. Among some 10,000 patients undergoing total ankle replacement and about 31,000 having ankle fusion, subsequent revision ...
Problems related to the great and lesser toes, midfoot, hindfoot, and the ankle are treated routinely. Arthroscopic procedures, total ankle arthroplasty, tendo Achilles reconstructions, and complex ...
However, they did not reported outcomes of total ankle arthroplasty for osteoarthritic ankles with and without anterior translation of the talus. Therefore, a study was needed for the evaluation ...
We believe that restoring optimal sagittal alignment is crucial for successful total ankle arthroplasty in osteoarthritic ankles with anteriorly translated talus. The present study has some ...
We have designed and perform the latest in bunionectomy techniques including the opening wedge and POSCOW procedures and biologic and prosthetic arthroplasty for hallux rigidus (arthritis of the great ...