Vālmīki’s epic poem “The Rāmāyaṇa” is a great work of literature and a treasure of Indian culture — but its political and ...
Whether we can help someone turn their crisis into an opportunity, simply showing up, listening and caring, will make a ...
A network of ancient parallel ceremonial roads has been discovered at the Gasco archaeological site in New Mexico, USA.
The Romans are famous for their many contributions to modern society, but did you know that major decisions were made by ...
However, this longing for yesteryears isn't new. The concept of nostalgia... Olympus is widely recognized today as the mountain home of the ancient Greek gods—a majestic, cloud-topped peak reigning ...
Chanakya, who is also referred to as Kautilya or Vishnugupta, stands as one of the most esteemed individuals in Indian ...
Books about the ancient world are remarkably popular among ... and foreign and domestic politics ...
The remains of Alexander the Great may lie under the streets of Alexandria, they may have been "eaten by a shark," or they ...
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Opinion: Churches and their strident faiths have been perhaps the most guilty of upsetting democracy by installing chaos and tyranny in its place.
Humans have polluted the sea with lead for far longer than we realised, study shows - Scientists say signs of heavy metal pollution date all the way back to Ancient Greece ...