One of the best anime movies Akira (Image via Tokyo Movie Shinsha) Set in the dystopic Neo-Tokyo, the genre-defining Akira, animated by Tokyo Movie Shinsha, chronicles Kaneda and Tetsuo as their ...
After the movie debuted and swept into motorcycle riders’ collective consciousness, there’s been a clamor to bring the animated red ... Decades after Akira came out, dreams of owning and ...
By far, the most groundbreaking anime title to make a sizable impact in the United States was Akira, released in 1988. The release of Akira would help pave the way for other successful anime films ...
No list of the best anime movies of all time would be complete with Akira on it, as the 1988 animated film is still widely regarded as being a landmark movie. While Akira has been available on 4K ...
Canon movies like Battle of Gods and Resurrection 'F' are retellings of anime events and are acknowledged ... aren't written by the series creator, Akira Toriyama, and since he has minimal input ...