THE very word airship implies a craft that will * plow the air, much as a large ship plows the sea. From the beginning, the principles of marine navigation have governed the design of dirigible ...
We are at a critical time and supporting climate journalism is more important than ever. Science News and our parent organization, the Society for Science, need your help to strengthen ...
The terms "airship" and "dirigible" are interchangeable and refer to any lighter-than-air craft that is powered and steerable (as opposed to free-floating balloons). The word, "dirigible" comes ...
The Hindenburg was designed to ferry passengers across the Atlantic in serenity, with the dirigible floating smoothly ... Hydrogen is much lighter than air, and allows the massive Zeppelin to ...
Believers in heavier-than-air flying machines the world over are at present enjoying a good laugh at the discomfiture of the French over the loss of their first government dirigible "La Patrie ...
Almost double the size of a Goodyear blimp, the floating aircraft is a modern take on an old concept to revolutionize the skies with “lighter-than-air” ships. LTA, an aerospace research and ...