段落一:英飞凌科技奥地利有限公司 recently received a patent for a method and electronic circuit for driving transistor devices, marking a ...
华为技术有限公司 recently filed a patent for a causal relationship discovery method, marking a significant advancement in AI ...
苏博科坚信,中国将巩固其全球科学强国地位,并在未来几年为全球患者带来更多福祉。阿斯利康将继续携手中国伙伴,共同应对全球医疗挑战,推动科学和医学创新,为全球数百万人的健康福祉贡献力量。 深耕中国三十多年来,阿斯利康一直以支持中国的科学事业为荣。我们投资于充满活力的生命科学生态并运用前沿技术推动创新。在此期间,我见证了中国逐步成为全球生命科学的领导者,为科学进步和医学突破作出了重要贡献。
Foreign companies' confidence in investing in the world's second-largest economy has strengthened further. A survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in China revealed that nearly 70 percent of ...