Technology is transforming how people monitor and maintain hygiene in critical environments like healthcare facilities and laboratories. This is where game-changing innovations like IoT come in. What ...
[1] Arimura A, et al. Pituitary adenylate cyclase - activating polypeptide (PACAP) and its receptor. Front Neuroendocrinol. 1992 Jul;13(3):259 - 308. [2] Vaudry H, et al. Pituitary adenylate cyclase - ...
LITTLE is known about the pathway of biological synthesis of deoxypentose. As a component of deoxypentose nucleic acid, the synthesis of this sugar must play an important part in the metabolism of ...
综合这些研究结果,研究人员得出结论:TIR1 产生的 cAMP 作为一种真正的第二信使,在转录生长素信号传导中起着不可或缺的作用。这一发现彻底改写了传统的生长素信号传导范式,揭示了 cAMP 在激活 ARF 介导的转录方面的关键作用。以往认为 Aux/IAAs 降解是激活 ARF 转录的关键步骤这一观念被颠覆,现在看来,cAMP 的产生才是更为关键的因素。
The model has demonstrated its ability to capture a variety of protein conformational changes. For example, it accurately reproduces the open-close transitions of enzymes such as adenylate kinase, ...
Adenosine receptors (AR) are widely expressed in a variety of tissues including the retina and brain. They are involved in adenosine-mediated immune responses underlying the onset and progression of ...
Background Gene amplification is a frequent manifestation of genomic instability that plays a role in tumour progression and development of drug resistance. It is manifested cytogenetically as ...