Sturgeons are one of the oldest groups of fishes. Sporting an armor of five rows of bony, modified scales called dermal ...
Research that combined archaeology, history and ecology provides a nuanced understanding of the past that could help ...
Sturgeon are among the oldest fish on Earth, yet many present-day sturgeon species are at threat of extinction, with 17 of 27 species listed as “critically endangered.” Sporting an armor of five rows ...
Their company, Acipenser, produces Rova Caviar, which has already made its presence felt in Europe’s Michelin-starred restaurants. Caviar isn’t just food – it’s a status symbol.
Acipenser 公司由 Delphyne Dabezies Guiraud 创立,在曼塔索阿湖水域生产优质、可持续的鱼子酱。养殖鲟鱼不使用抗生素或激素,仅使用岛上的产品。 “一开始大家都笑我们,现在厨师们都认识我们了” ...
The Acipenser company, founded by Delphyne Dabezies Guiraud, produces quality and sustainable caviar in the waters of Lake Mantasoa. The sturgeons are raised without antibiotics or hormones, and only ...
Commissioners with the CFGC also approved a request from the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) for a six month extension to deliver the status review report on the petition to list the ...
How Long Have Sturgeons Been Around? Sturgeons date back over 200 million years to the Triassic period.
The experimental shrimp, L. vannamei, were cultured in 25°C ± 1°C circulating seawater in our laboratory, and fed three times a day with equal weight commercial feed pellets. The shrimp with the body ...
Q: Why is Beluga caviar illegal in the U.S.? A: Due to overfishing and endangered status, wild Beluga caviar is banned in the U.S. However, Beluga hybrid caviar (crossbred with Kaluga sturgeon) is ...