We discuss eyelid disorders, such as ptosis, eyelid retraction, abnormal ... but not spontaneous blinking. Given that the dystonic blinks of blepharospasm involve the orbital portion of the OO, it is ...
We found that neuronal activity (c-Fos) in the BG followed cortical activity ... Atropine induces slow-wave EEG and high EMG. In 60 s EEG/EMG and video recording trace, a rat shows high EMG, standing ...
Burning pain probably reflects the abnormal, spontaneous activity originating in damaged nociceptive fiber axons. Paroxysmal pain may be related to high-frequency bursts generated in demyelinated ...
Kwok and colleagues’ work focuses on a newly recognized form of cancer mutation that arises from abnormal mRNA splicing. Splicing is a processing event in which non-coding segments called ...
The strongest form of such collective behaviour is spontaneous synchronization, in which the oscillators coordinate their dynamics in a decentralized way. Spontaneous synchronization occurs in ...
UK tourists in Tenerife have been warned "anything can happen" after "anomalous" activity was recorded in one of the Canary Island's volcanoes. The Scientific Committee for the Evaluation and ...
Correspondence to Dr John Harvey, North Bristol Lung Centre, Southmead Hospital, Bristol BS10 5NB, UK; john.harvey{at}nbt.nhs.uk Secondary pneumothorax (SSP) is associated with underlying lung disease ...
Zeit, erfassen. A command line tool for tracking time spent on activities.
Objective To synthesise the evidence on the effects of physical activity on symptoms of depression, anxiety and psychological distress in adult populations. Design Umbrella review. Data sources Twelve ...
This adverse events following immunization (AEFI) user guide was developed by the Vaccine Vigilance Working Group (VVWG), with the support of the Vaccine Safety ...