Thank you! Over 10,000 of you wrote to your MP last year calling for the current UK government to keep the crucial promises they’ve made to tackle the nature and ...
With a new UK Government in place, this is a crucial time for us to make it clear that action on nature and climate is a priority for people all over the UK. In this special episode of Call of the ...
Our areas of work stretch far and wide. To help narrow down your query, we've created this list of all our FAQ pages, whether those questions relate to our events, our work in schools, our adoptions, ...
Forest destruction is a crisis for the whole planet. Find out how we can all fight to save our forests. And we’re not including commercially grown trees and plantations. We mean natural, noisy forests ...
The Adélie is the littlest, and also the most widespread, species of penguin in the Antarctic. They might look a bit clumsy on land, but penguins are brilliant swimmers. They can dive down to 180m – ...
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The beautiful, awe-inspiring tiger is one of our world’s most iconic animals. But here’s the shocking truth. Wild tiger numbers dropped by around 95% since the beginning of the 20th century. Now, for ...
Set your heating thermostat 1°C lower than usual for a week and see if you notice the difference. Turning down the thermostat means less energy is required to heat your home to higher temperatures.
Just 20 minutes in nature a day can help reduce stress levels, ease anxiety and boost our mood. It’s time to get your daily dose of nature. Ending deforestation is critical for nature and the climate.
In this report we show that it is possible to achieve healthy, sustainable diets for the UK population without deviating drastically from current consumption and without costing more. We also ...
We all have a part to play in the recovery of the natural world, but more often than not, it feels like an increasingly impossible task. The good news is that WWF Ambassador Sir David Attenborough ...
Emission reporting is a key action for any businesses who want to better understand their impact, and to make real changes for the environment. With this guide, WWF aim to help businesses like yours ...