(Phone lines are open Monday–Friday, 8.30am–4.30pm) *Costs may be higher from mobile phones and interstate. There are many types of scams and fraud, including government service scam websites. Find ...
Some of the dams and weirs are permanently closed to the public. For referable dams, links to the emergency action plans are included in the map. This map indicates which dams are open to the public: ...
Find out how you can avoid or resolve a dispute with a neighbour—use our tool to select your question to find out what you can read or do.
The Queensland Disability Advocacy Program funds organisations to deliver advocacy services to Queenslanders with disability, their family members and carers. The advocacy services help and support ...
Thank you for your registration. For clarity, the State’s general copyright licensing terms, available at: https://www.qld.gov.au/legal/copyright, do not apply to ...
Have you tried walking, cycling, or catching public transport with your children to school? Driving your children to school each day could mean they miss out on exercise and other life skills. Learn ...
The Organisations Fund 2026-2029 is a four-year funding program that supports small-to-medium Queensland-based arts and cultural organisations to be stronger businesses. The Fund recognises small to ...
We help keep Queensland children safe by assisting organisations to be child-safe and screening people who work with children.
Getting tested for STIs is a normal part of having a confident and healthy sex life. 13 HEALTH Webtest is a free, confidential urine test for chlamydia and gonorrhoea you can order online.
Ask a body corporate question or call the Information and Community Education Unit on 1800 060 119 (freecall).
You can transfer a current, valid licence from interstate or New Zealand to the equivalent licence in Queensland.
Do you know how many demerit points you have? You can find out online how many demerit points you have.