Philip Bärring, 29, was awarded the position where applicants could choose their own title, salary, and responsibilities. He ...
Markus Dangelmaier took over as CEO of Northvolt Ett in Skellefteå. In an exclusive interview with Norran, he shares why he ...
Markus Dangelmaier took over as CEO of Northvolt Ett in Skellefteå. In an exclusive interview with Norran, he shares why he ...
Paul Connolly recalls the unexpected reaction of his English in-laws on their first visit to his "little slice of paradise" ...
Snow-naïve and slightly apprehensive, new residents of Skellefteå took the plunge – literally. Ice bathing offered a unique ...
Hela södra Stockholm som visitationszon? Socialdemokraterna försöker desperat visa att man tar ännu hårdare tag mot ...
På Brogårdens Vård- och omsorgsboende avled på måndagen 27/1 Margot Fahlgren, Varuträsk, efter en lång tids sjukdom, 68 år ...
har somnat in efter en tids sjukdom i ALS. Han blev 86 år. Han föddes 1938 i Tjärn, Burträsk. Utbildade sig till bilmekaniker ...
Melodifestivalen is the Swedish music competition and TV show that chooses the country's representative for the Eurovision ...
Salwan Momika, who repeatedly burned the Koran, has been shot dead in Södertälje. Stockholm District Court confirmed his ...
Arctic Game Global Game Jam in Jörn continues to grow. At last weekend's event, 120 participants developed 22 games. – This ...
Lördagen den 18/1 somnade våran älskade Staffan in, lugnt och stilla, i en ålder av 83 år omgiven av närmaste familjen. Staffan kämpade länge med sin hälsa men till slut gick det inte mer och han var ...