Navigating the Irony of Exceptionalism and Status Dilemma in the (...) A complex interaction of exceptionalism and status dilemma characterizes the international relations of three crucial countries ...
The recent news headlines on the display of the book ‘The Satanic Verses’ by Salman Rushdie - as the hot new item at Bahrisons Booksellers at Khan Market in Delhi remind us of 1988, when the book was ...
Today, as multilateral organizations are coming under strain, it has become clear that we lack insight into the processes through which they might be streamlined, transformed, or dissolved altogether.
It is a good development that the Samyuykt Kisan Morcha (SKM) has indicated a supportive attitude towards the farmers’ resistance movement being carried out under the joint aegis of the Samyukt Kisan ...
Shower us with not peace, but violence.
This film by Satyajit Ray is an adaptation of Henrik Ibsen’s 1882 play An Enemy of the People ...
AIFUCTO President Prof. Dr. M. NAGARAJAN and AIFUCTO General Secretary Prof. DR. ARUN KUMAR issued the following press statement today The University Grants Commission has come up with its draft ...
He was an officer in the Sri Lanka Navy who remained a prisoner with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) for eight long agonizing years, at times chained in a cage-like environment.