Agentic AI ranks high on the list of evolutions in artificial intelligence. Enabling systems to make (semi-)autonomous decisions and take action without direct human input, agentic AI is also seen as ...
The Netherlands is the first country in the world to have nationwide Internet of Things LPWA network coverage with LoRA technology (wireless, unlicensed spectrum). This enables companies in the ...
Despite the de facto main attention for IoT when people talk about 'Industrie 4.0', many other/related technologies and realities take center stage in Industry 4.0 and Logistics 4.0. Among them: ...
Today's workforce is more mobile. Mobility and agility is what we want. With that choice and phenomenon come several consequences. One of them is the need to 'work together' or collaborate in ...
One of the great promises and at the same time one of the main focus areas in Industry 4.0 is the bridging of digital/cyber/virtual and physical worlds, hence the focus on cyber-physical systems.
At the 2015 edition of the Customer Contact Expo in London, several keynotes and workshops stood out. One of them, presented by Dimension Data's Paul Scott (read an interview) had a title that leaves ...
MachNation's 2018 IoT Application Enablement Platform (AEP) ScoreCard compares 21 major IoT platforms, offering advice for buyers. The company also forecasts strong revenue growth for IoT platforms in ...
Can technologies - and the will to leverage them - lead to a more sustainable future and, if so, how? It's one of the questions addressed in a report by Wipro Digital and and ...
IDC recently published a series of studies regarding the future of applications to access and manage content (content management) and digital assets. Overall conclusion: the forecasts for ECM ...
In its recently published e-business study Ghent-based research firm InSites Consulting found that the usage of email marketing and CRM in Belgium is on the rise. A closer look at some of the findings ...