Phases out the use of copper in vehicle brakes and requires manufacturers to certify that brakes comply with the law. Regulates lead, cadmium, phthalates, and other chemicals in children's products.
Washington is divided into 62 Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs) based on natural watersheds. Due to Washington’s varied land uses, hydrology, and precipitation levels, the amount of water ...
Ecology, local clean air agencies, and Tribes can restrict indoor and outdoor burning under certain conditions. Air quality burn bans protect people when the air is unhealthy. Fire safety burn bans ...
Your input is valuable to our decision-making process. We post water right documents for notice or comment. Documents posted for comment have a link to our online comment form. Other documents are ...
Hydrologists measure how much water is in Washington's rivers and streams. The information is used to help manage water supplies, releases, and diversions in support of fish, farms, and domestic water ...
Food is a valuable resource. According to the Washington State Department of Agriculture, nearly 1 in every 6 people is food insecure across our state. When food is thrown away, we lose more than just ...
We obtained rights to allocate 14,000 acre feet of water specifically to meet the needs of six northeast Washington counties where water supply opportunities are scarce. Two-thirds of Sullivan Lake ...
We conduct projects that use Geographic Information System (GIS) produced maps as aids in accomplishing our mission. We build and maintain GIS maps to help our staff and the public understand the ...
We also provide educational resources to property owners who want to drill a new well, maintain a well, or close down (decommission) an unused well. Well drillers and property owners have the ...
Our Nuclear Waste Program also oversees several other facilities in Washington that aren't part of the Hanford cleanup. Click on the tabs to find out more about the facilities, and read about the US ...
Everyone deserves clean air to breathe and a sustainable future that responds to challenges presented by climate change. To reach these goals, we regulate harmful emissions from vehicles, burning, and ...