Between 15 million and 6 million years ago, a drop in ocean crust production may have lowered sea level by 26 to 32 meters.
This supported the theory that Harry Hess had put forth ... transformed the field of geology. It confirmed sea-floor spreading as hypothesized by Hess, and thus "continental drift," originally ...
This reduction, mostly resulting from a global slowdown in seafloor spreading, caused ocean basins to deepen. In addition, the researchers calculated that heat flowing into the ocean from the hot ...
Seventy-one percent of the planet is covered by ocean. If we were to make an elevation average of the Earth’s surface, we’d be 2,000 meters (almost 6,600 feet) below the sea. This vast expanse ...
“Tharp’s work certainly provided evidence and weight to the theory of plate tectonics, but her work is really about seafloor ...
The seafloor spreads out as molten rock emerges, reshaping the deep-sea landscape with each eruption. Though not a human threat, Axial is a testbed for predicting eruptions. Chadwick hopes these ...