The Food and Drugs Authority (FDA) says it would soon clamp down on non-iodised salt products on the markets to curb the occurrence of iodine deficiency disorders.
Iodine plays a vital role as a mineral needed for the proper operation of the thyroid gland. Insufficient iodine can result in thyroid-associated complications such as goiter, hypothyroidism ...
In Their Element: Awesome Iodine looks at the effects and uses of the mineral, as well as the legacy of past iodine deficiency. Here are a few juicy nuggets about element number 53 on the periodic ...
The crystalline iodine project is of national importance - no region is involved in iodine mining and production, though Russia's annual consumption ranges from 1,200 to 1,500 tons ...
iodine is an essential nutrient. According to Cleveland Clinic, the mineral helps the thyroid glands function at full capacity as part of the body’s endocrine system. This includes basic ...