I'll always prefer the film look you get from a disposable camera. My arsenal of trusty Fujifilm QuickSnaps are my secret to ...
It's no secret that digital has largely overtaken film as the dominant form of photography. Not only are digital cameras capable of remarkable things, but every major camera manufacturer has a ...
[Volzo] set out to find out. Disposable cameras aren’t the most environmentally friendly items, and he rightly points out that a cheap compact camera can deliver the same in a more sustainable ...
Place your iPhone behind your camera with the front-facing lens lining up with the viewfinder eyepiece. Looking at the screen ...
Say what you will about disposable cameras, but the fact that they were mass-produced, and are now nearly obsolete, means they are an absolute treasure trove of electronics components when you can ...
If you are looking to get into film photography but don't know where to start, here are some of the basics to help you find the perfect system for you!
Is the insistence of using these devices performative? Or is it an attempt to savor the moment and enjoy the little things in such a fast-paced world?