Un trabajador procesa hojas de té de primavera para los agricultores en un taller de la aldea de Fengling del subdistrito de ...
下周前半段(17-20日),晴天辐射加上冷空气的双重影响,早上寒意加重,预计我省大部最低仅1-4℃有霜,山区逼近或跌破0℃有霜冻,大家仍需冬装上阵,同时已播秧田需做好防寒管理,可摘茶叶请提前抢摘!好在白天最高气温还是能回升至11-15℃,昼夜温差明显 ...
Currently, three cities in China--Shanghai, Lanzhou, and Wuwei--offer heavy ion treatment. Zhejiang now joins the list, with the Zhejiang Cancer Hospital’s Heavy Ion Medical Center standing out as the ...
Highlights: Trek through Chunjian’s tea-themed educational park to Bashan’s undulating plantations, featured in The Hunting ...
Y se espera que China, que ya es un actor clave en este campo, se asegure una cuota notable. Las proyecciones de mercado sugieren que, a mediados de siglo, el mercado chino de robots humanoides podría ...
China is pushing to better align agricultural science and technology with industry needs to enhance productivity and ...
Plum blossoms in Meiyuan Garden have recently entered their peak flowering season in Linhai City, east China's Zhejiang Province.