2025年,音乐设备领域再次迎来新的动向,Behringer正式推出其全新的声码器模块——VOCODER VC16。这款产品不仅在技术参数上引起了关注,而且在市场定位上显示了Behringer一贯的DIY精神。与许多厂商利用经典产品进行设计创新不同,VOCODER VC16并不直接对标已有的经典声码器,而是采取了一种简化的设计,使得这一产品在功能上看起来有些简单,却有着不可忽视的潜力。 首先,让我 ...
The phase vocoder is an effective tool for the manipulation of the duration or the pitch of a sound file. Each of these transformations may be made independent of one another meaning pitch may be ...
[poprhythm]’s Touch Tone MIDI Phone is a fantastic conversion of an old touch tone phone into a MIDI instrument complete with intact microphone, but this project isn’t just about showing off ...
[Julian] has been trying to build a vocoder from that era from ETI magazine. Along the way, he’s making videos documenting what he’s found and how’s he resolving issues. The circuit ...
The MELP (Mixed-Excitation Linear Predictive) Vocoder Algorithm is the 2400 bps Federal Standard speech coder. The selection test concentrated on four areas: intelligibility, voice quality, talker ...
The chances are, you were listening to an instrument known as a vocoder, which combines synthesis and vocals to create that classic robot voice. This is the beginning of a production story that ...
The MELPe algorithm was developed using several enhancements to the original MELP 2400 bps specification. MELPe implements a variable low bit rate vocoder that supports multiple rates of 600 bps, 1200 ...