Westminster Abbey owns many embroidered vestments, such as copes, and altar hangings for use during the church year. The Abbey has many embroidered vestments and altar hangings in its collection.
The vestments were worked in the Middle Ages in a style of ecclesiastical embroidery known as 'Opus Anglicanum'.These medieval vestments were worked in the Middle Ages in a very important style of ...
The photo showed the pope wearing a purple Lenten liturgical vestments sitting in a wheelchair in front of an altar in the ...
One may wonder why Parshat Tetzave starts at the end of Perek כז, with the oil for the Menora, which was already mentioned in the beginning of Teruma (שמן למאור) it would probably make more sense to ...
The word kavod – dignity or honor – appears sixteen times, but in fourteen (2x7) of these cases the reference is to the glory of G-d.