Babies born after exposure to famine in-utero show signs of accelerated aging six decades later, according to a study at ...
Large-scale, longitudinal studies of humans whose mothers smoked marijuana once or more per week and experimental work on rodents exposed to cannabinoids in utero have yielded remarkably consistent ...
MRI scans of human fetuses in utero—here, between 27 and 29 weeks of gestation—show the development of the brain and other organs and body parts. This story appears in the June 2017 issue of ...
Pediatric surgeons at the University of California, San Francisco, have treated a second-trimester fetus with stem cells taken from her mother’s bone marrow. The baby, born in February, was the first ...
For decades, the rare bone condition osteogenesis imperfecta has been diagnosed on a spectrum, from mild to lethal. New research by Nemours Children’s Health physicians suggests that many babies whose ...