Among the few cultural traditions shared by human populations across time and geography is the abiding urge to make and consume alcoholic beverages. Alcohol was also one of the first medicines as well ...
The nation’s liquor bill was up 17% last year over 1942, but drinkers got fewer drinks for their money, reported the Department of Commerce. Reason: increased taxes. Next month drinkers will ...
An international team of researchers videotaped a troop of 26 chimps in Bossou from 1995 to 2012, recording 51 instances of alcohol consumption involving 13 adult and juvenile animals. Although the ...
Last week the Finnish Diet gave the Finnish people what they had asked for in last month’s prohibition referendum. On the assumption the voters wanted plenty of cheap liquor, the Diet ...
FDA could only label Trakal 'a spirit distilled from apples and pears'. It is in every sense a first warrior in a battlefield yet to be marked and defined. Walnut liqueur is known by many names ...