Scientists have found a way to store hundreds of terabytes of data onto a tiny crystal, with plans to scale this up to a disc ...
In this interview, Nithinreddy Burgula discusses how to ensure the seamless operation of databases in mission-critical ...
Over nine days, four photographers – Peter Jablonowski, Thomas Pöcksteiner, Maximilian Lang, and Lorenz Pritz – battled ...
Scientists have found a way to store hundreds of terabytes of data onto a tiny crystal, with plans to scale this up to a disc-sized device that can be compatible with modern computing.
“Each memory cell is a single missing atom – a single defect,” said UChicago PME Asst. Prof. Tian Zhong. “Now you can pack terabytes of bits within a small cube of material that's only a millimeter in ...
Forward-looking: Researchers at the University of Chicago have achieved a groundbreaking milestone, storing terabytes of digital data within a crystal cube just one millimeter in size. They ...
Terraform Labs former CEO Do Kwon’s next court hearing was delayed until April after US prosecutors said they uncovered over ...
In total, the sheriff's office says more than 120 terabytes of suspected child sexual assault material was uncovered in the operation. As investigators noted, about one terabyte of data amounts to ...