Galway MedTech company SymPhysis Medical has today announced a significantly strengthened senior team and plans for rapid ...
With its strengthened leadership, the Galway medtech is aiming for a strong launch in the US market in the next 18 months.
Galway medtech company SymPhysis Medical is targeting revenues of €40m by 2030 as the company prepares a US launch for its ...
SymPhysis Medical has developed a device which addresses an uncomfortable and distressing condition experienced by late-stage cancer patients.
Osteitis pubis is the non-infectious inflammation of the joint between your left and right pubic bones, called the pubic symphysis. This painful condition is often the result of a repetitive use ...
Diastasis of the pubic symphysis is a well documented injury typically associated with high energy trauma. Three cases in horse riders are here described, emphasising the appropriate modern ...
Inclusion criteria included (1) humans only, (2) subjects had no apparent risk factors for development of osteitis pubis or osteomyelitis of the pubic symphysis other than athletic involvement, (3) ...