Nearly three years after the rapid unplanned disassembly of the Arecibo radio telescope, we finally have a culprit in the collapse: bad sockets. In case you somehow missed it, back in 2020 we ...
I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of plugging as many things into a socket or extension lead as we possibly can, especially if ...
At first blush, light sockets seem like a single-purpose aspect of your home. They’re ... light sockets. That is, sockets for lights. They’re pretty specifically designed to have light bulbs ...
Whether it's been a while since you changed a basement lightbulb or one in your bathroom is starting to look a little rusty, corroded light sockets are a common problem. The corrosion typically ...
India Mahdavi and Omer Arbel have designed an armchair with a spattering of decorative yellow plug sockets, unveiled today at ...
Smiley armchair by India Mahdavi takes the common sockets and turns them into a decorative element, a perfect blend of beauty ...