Here in Texas we've got snobs. We've got music snobs in Austin, TX, Cowboys snobs, and BBQ snobs in, well, everywhere. But ...
Well, after years of having to hear the snobby family take a jab at her, she simply redacted her prenuptial agreement and shoved it in their face. That surprisingly worked. Kinda. They stopped ...
An avid rock ‘n’ roll fan has delivered a tirade against ‘cultural elites’ in ‘snobby’ Sydney snubbing their noses at a classic Aussie ‘bogan’ band.
I asked ChatGPT which cities it thinks are the snobbiest in Minnesota. These are the 10 cities it gave me. Let's see if we ...
Sydney’s so-called cultural 'elites' have come under fire for allegedly blocking efforts to properly honour one of Australia’s most iconic rock bands, AC/DC. Outspoken NSW MP Jeremy Buckingham ...
Another posted: ""Isn't it amazing she *just* works on a counter?" Derogatory and snobby way of speaking from Amanda Holden there. Not nice at all. #bgt #britainsgottalent. "A third viewer ...