Jack Kirby’s much lauded return to DC comics is best remembered now for his monumental 4th World proto-epic. Its fate and subsequent rescue as a lost classic are now extremely well documented, and ...
Here’s a fantastic new project from Channel SILENCE! It’s a deep, deeper, deepest dive into a comic that blew my mind – The Mighty Crusaders Number Four from Mighty Comics, 1966. I hope you enjoy ...
Being: an index to my recently completed series of posts on stories, mirrors and what happens when you mistake one for the other. Since I botched the timing of these essays, I thought I’d link to them ...
Last time we caught up with the Hitsville boys, they were young and reckless, caught up in that pop life and looking forward to the end of their story. That end ...
Having dumped Nigel, Dan/Caroline has chosen to adventure with Liam. Liam is a young man with all the charm and charisma of an estate agent telling you his favourite facts about pylons. There’s a fair ...
Sorry about the delay, Superteam. I would have posted this on Friday if it wasn’t for Zom’s notepad fucking up my shit. I was so angry I couldn’t face redoing the entire deleted file until today – I’m ...
Being: both a short postscript to my previous three posts AND a review of one of the best comics of 2010. This series of posts is supposed to have been all about mirrors and vanity, so what better way ...
Don't let SILENCE go silent! Gary Lactus & The Beast Must Die need your generous donations to pay for podcast hosting over the next year. Anything you can spare would be gratefully received.
Sometime in the nineties the cry rang out: Marvel was gonna put the “character back into comics”. This was news to me. As far as I was concerned the Marvelverse, with the possible exception of the ...
John Higgins is a stalwart of the American and British comic industry. He has worked with some of the most prominent creators in the field, and worked on legendary characters like Judge Dredd and John ...