A wave of goodwill greets the political comic and stunningly accurate impersonator as he sticks it to leaders of all shades With Trump back in the White House and his own cancer survival and ...
PowerPoint is finally redeemed from its dull reputation in this comedy show. Sweeney Preston and Ethan Cavanagh are the perfect hosts to bring slideshows to life; quick-witted with perfect timing ...
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What an absolute joy to spend an evening in the company of the scarily talented Arthur Hull, and what a brilliant premise for a show. Hull believes that even the worst musicals contain at least ...
Burn – Deep Purple Tribute, Present Over Two Hours Of Searing Rock And Roll From One Of The Greatest Rock Bands Of The Seventies. You Can Expect All The Classics – Highway Star, Fireball ...
Our Guide To Scotland's Festivals offers comprehensive coverage in print and online of festivals and events happening in Scotland in 2025. Looking for a specific festival or event? Click here.
Charisma and Stage Presence - Lessons from a Clown with KIKI LOVECHILD No matter what type of work you specialise in, having charisma and stage presence can be the difference between a decent ...
1: The b(h)oy from Moffat is a fully-fledged Aussie now, though he had a nervous wait to find out if the immigration panel would give his application for permanent residency the thumbs-up after ...