Sigma does not include a USB-C cable or power adapter with the BF, only the BP-81 battery and an aluminum body cap. Body caps ...
We're working towards our full review of the Sigma BF, the first installment of which explains how it works and what it's ...
近日,SIGMA正式发布了备受瞩目的BF Camera,国行售价12999元,引发了摄影圈的热议。这款相机不仅以其出色的性能吸引了众多摄影爱好者,更以其创新的相机理念为广大用户带来了全新的拍摄体验。如果你也对这款相机感兴趣,不妨来看看它到底有哪些亮点,以及如何与你的拍摄需求完美契合。
But I think you should try. After a few weeks of using it, the Sigma BF won me over with its bold design, clever controls, ...
富士将曝光三要素(ISO、快门、光圈) 重新设计为机身上的实体转盘,去掉军舰头,采用光电混合旁轴取景器,再配合易上手的胶片模拟,创造出一款兼具情怀与实用性的相机——X100 系列。
Sigma BF最引人注目的莫过于其全铝一体成型机身。整机由单块铝锭经7小时精密雕刻而成,无缝金属结构不仅赋予其388克的轻盈重量,更提供了远超传统相机的坚固性。机身尺寸仅120.1×7.8×36.8毫米,握持处采用防滑纹理设计,确保单手操作稳定。为回归摄影本质,BF大幅简化物理交互,机身仅保留1个转盘、3个触觉按键,并取消SD卡槽,转而内置230GB高速SSD,可存储约14,000张JPEG或4 ...
Fundamentally, I think the Sigma BF's design philosophy is screaming out for a built-in fixed lens. A premium compact if you ...
适马现已在海外推出了全新概念相机Sigma BF,以“极简之美”为核心理念,被视为此前FP系列的精神续作,旨在为摄影师提供无干扰的创作工具。
Sigma had an idea: create a unibody camera with no joints, and it ran with it. The Sigma BF is carved out of a single ...