Whether you’re slicing up tomatoes for burgers, a Caprese salad or tomato sandwiches, give yourself about 10-15 minutes ...
State and local agencies offer free in-person consultations and training like the MPCA’s “smart salting” seminars that will help participants reduce sodium chloride use by 30% to 70%.
The city didn’t actually spread more salt than usual. But it may have seemed that way, according to the Sanitation Department, because there was less snow and rain.
President Trump on Wednesday signed an executive order aimed at eliminating the Presidential Management Fellows program, federal executive boards and a potential litany of other advisory councils ...
Usage guide: Chefs love using kosher salt to season meat poultry, and fish before cooking, salting pasta water, and adding seasoning to dishes while sautéing. They rave about its pinch-ability ...
“Essentially, we’ll be salting driveways and parking lots, just putting down that pre-salt that will keep the ice from sticking to the ground and the concrete driveways,” Wilson sai ...