Tell me, weary traveller: When I say the words "peasant railgun", what image is summoned to your mind. A high-tech rifle used to liberate the working class of a fantasy world? No. It's 2,280 ...
1970-1977 hardcover book for $50 (was $100), and the now last-gen 2014 D&D Core Rulebooks for $166 (was $170), which packs everything you need in a nice slipcase. If you’re ready to jump into a ...
With the new wave of core rulebooks out, Wizards of the Coast wants D&D's latest Starter Set to introduce players to even more aspects of the game than usual.
That also means you can use your existing 5E characters with the new 5.5E rulebooks. If you're new to D&D or are considering updating all your books to the new versions, you'll find the other ...
Free League Publishing has teamed with Bundle of Holding for a special offer on the Mörk Borg grim-dark, fantasy roleplaying ...