研究人员采用平衡分子动力学(EMD)方法研究 MoWTaTiZr 难熔高熵合金(RHEAs)晶格热导率,发现其与温度及元素浓度的关系,有助于 RHEAs 应用。 在材料科学的广阔天地里,高熵合金(HEAs)凭借其优异的性能,成为了科研人员眼中的 “宠儿”。它就像一个神奇的 ...
Much research has shown that crows and parrots are effective problem-solvers. Recently, scientists have also studied other ...
This is the first time scientists have been able to show that palaeognath birds such as emus and rheas can solve tricky problems. In the study, published in Scientific Reports, emus, which have ...
On this week's episode: big bird intelligence, astronauts should jump, sheep and human history, and a tiny great ape.
This is the first time scientists have been able to show that palaeognath birds such as emus and rheas can solve tricky problems. In the study, published today in Scientific Reports, emus ...
If we looked at other species – say, the emus, rheas, or ostriches, whose brains are famously smaller than their eyeballs – maybe we wouldn’t be so hasty to reconsider bird intelligence.