The US recycling rate has remained flat for over a decade. Can artificial intelligence and robots change that?
One of the most expensive misuses of local taxpayer dollars in the U.S. is the amount of money spent disposing of recyclable ...
Plastic pyrolysis is a chemical process that involves chemically breaking down plastics into other molecules by heating the plastics to extremely high temperatures in the absence of oxygen.
The Board of Carroll County Commissioners will consider increasing fees to dump trash at the Northern Landfill in Westminster ...
The new complex spans two buildings that can separate, grind down and sanitize plastic waste and then shape it into ...
Recycling rates in Gibraltar are well below the Government's target, with just 12% of waste being recycled. The aim is to ...
A newly released assessment, along with a recommendation report from a stakeholder group, could both help shape EPR for ...
Among some of the efforts to demonstrate the wide-ranging scope of recycling programmes includes a new city-wide partnership ...
The report looks at how California and other states can improve PET thermoform circularity through innovation, policy alignment and industry commitments.
Recycling rates are actually falling in some areas of the UK. New efforts such as a bottle deposit scheme and a move to standardise recycling could help to change this – with the government saying ...