Pawpaw trees are becoming quite popular. If you've decided to plant a pawpaw tree, here's what House Digest's master gardener ...
Pawpaws are the state fruit tree of Missouri, and they tend to grow in dense clumps. They can reproduce clonally, meaning pawpaws can spread through their roots, much like aspen trees.
There is a Midwest fruit as sweet as bananas and as fragrant as papayas. If you guessed “pawpaw,” you are correct!
Have you heard of the pawpaw tree? It’s affectionately called the Indiana Banana. Rosie Lerner, a retired Purdue University consumer horticulture specialist, wrote about pawpaws. “The pawpaw has been ...
Spring Conference with Organic Growers School and Mother Earth News Learn to to cultivate food equity and diversity initiatives, self-sufficiency, health and well-being, and environmental ...