For the labour movement this was the period of the gradual gathering of strength, of the development of organization, and of political possibilism, or opportunism. In England the stormy period of ...
Malhotra, D., and F. Gino. "The Pursuit of Power Corrupts: How Investing in Outside Options Motivates Opportunism in Relationships." Special Issue on "Social Psychological Perspectives on Power and ...
It stinks of political opportunism rather than sound decision making.” It’s possible that Labour’s approach of “if you build it, they will come” will pay off. But first-time buyers are ...
Intervention by Max Levien at the Founding Party Congress of the KPD on the agenda of "The National Assembly". Here he speaks ...
While the ANC’s statement might appear as a defensive reaction, it bears a larger, more troubling reality: the DA’s long-standing opportunism. For years, the DA has played a dual game ...
Parra highlighted Chaudhary’s “history” of attacking the National Conference (NC) and now “aligning himself with the very ...
The issue of presidential staffing, a recurring topic of debate in Ghana 39;s political space, has once again ignited ...